Division 3: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Nathan Corporal 4 4 100.00
1 James Bealey 4 4 100.00
3 DAN FILLIN 1 1 100.00
3 Conrad Dewey 1 1 100.00
3 Zeeshan Lohani 1 1 100.00
3 Euver Naranjo 1 1 100.00
3 Paul Green 1 1 100.00
3 Levi Moxey 1 1 100.00
3 Mukhtar Basha 1 1 100.00
10 David Gayle 9 10 90.00
11 Tim Van Der Klauw 8 9 88.89
11 james skipwith 8 9 88.89
13 Steph Pasco 9 11 81.82
14 Tony Treadgold 7 9 77.78
15 Mitch Hooper 5 7 71.43
16 Phil Johnstone 4 6 66.67
17 Harrison Vogler 5 8 62.50
17 Garry Page 5 8 62.50
19 Peter Clements 4 7 57.14
20 James Anderson 5 9 55.56
21 jacob paint 5 10 50.00
22 Graham Wood 4 8 50.00
22 Rob De Martini 4 8 50.00
22 Paul Barclay 4 8 50.00
22 Roger Lennard 4 8 50.00
26 Amir Muhammad 3 6 50.00
27 Colin Roome 2 4 50.00
28 Saul Edmonds 6 13 46.15
29 Trevor Briggs 4 9 44.44
30 Peter Vogler 3 7 42.86
31 Adam Broit 4 10 40.00
32 Trevor Snow 3 8 37.50
33 Ellis Van Rooyen 3 9 33.33
34 steven spence 1 3 33.33
34 Geoff Dowton 1 3 33.33
36 Gavin Veenstra 2 7 28.57
36 Shane Edwards 2 7 28.57
36 Jeff Higgins 2 7 28.57
39 Rod Mogg 1 7 14.29
40 Graeme Turner 1 9 11.11
41 Colin Douglas 0 7 0.00
42 Heath Bryant 0 5 0.00
43 scott albertson 0 4 0.00
44 Brian Hammett 0 3 0.00
45 Howard Van Der Klauw 0 2 0.00
45 Tony Clarke 0 2 0.00
47 Charles Inder 0 1 0.00
47 Phil Wellington 0 1 0.00
47 Felix t 0 1 0.00
47 martin Koning 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 James Bealey 1129
2 steven spence 1121
3 Tony Treadgold 1115
4 Peter Vogler 1102
5 Euver Naranjo 1092
6 Phil Wellington 1085
7 David Gayle 1084
8 Zeeshan Lohani 1077
9 Mukhtar Basha 1076
10 Charles Inder 1050
11 Jeff Higgins 1044
12 Nathan Corporal 1027
13 Levi Moxey 1022
14 James Anderson 1012
15 Conrad Dewey 1010
16 Heath Bryant 1001
17 Mitch Hooper 998
18 Geoff Dowton 996
19 Roger Lennard 985
20 james skipwith 982
21 Adam Broit 981
21 Paul Green 981
23 Saul Edmonds 979
24 Paul Barclay 977
25 Graham Wood 976
26 Peter Clements 969
27 scott albertson 966
28 Steph Pasco 965
30 Colin Roome 961
31 Ellis Van Rooyen 959
32 Phil Johnstone 950
33 Rob De Martini 936
34 jacob paint 934
35 Shane Edwards 932
36 Gavin Veenstra 931
36 Harrison Vogler 931
38 Tim Van Der Klauw 930
39 Trevor Snow 920
40 Garry Page 916
41 Trevor Briggs 910
42 Tony Clarke 903
43 martin Koning 895
44 Howard Van Der Klauw 890
45 Amir Muhammad 857
46 Brian Hammett 853
47 Colin Douglas 843
48 Felix t 840
49 Graeme Turner 813
49 Rod Mogg 813
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 James Bealey 100.00 4 0
2 Nathan Corporal 100.00 4 0
3 Steph Pasco 85.71 6 1
4 Tim Van Der Klauw 87.50 7 1
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 james skipwith 3 3 100.00
2 Tim Van Der Klauw 1 1 100.00
2 James Bealey 1 1 100.00
2 Euver Naranjo 1 1 100.00
2 Roger Lennard 1 1 100.00
6 Steph Pasco 4 5 80.00
7 David Gayle 3 4 75.00
8 Graham Wood 2 3 66.67
8 James Anderson 2 3 66.67
10 Mitch Hooper 3 5 60.00
11 Paul Barclay 2 4 50.00
11 Harrison Vogler 2 4 50.00
13 Ellis Van Rooyen 1 2 50.00
14 jacob paint 4 9 44.44
15 Adam Broit 3 7 42.86
16 Saul Edmonds 2 6 33.33
16 Shane Edwards 2 6 33.33
18 Phil Johnstone 1 3 33.33
18 Rob De Martini 1 3 33.33
18 Geoff Dowton 1 3 33.33
18 Peter Clements 1 3 33.33
22 Amir Muhammad 1 4 25.00
22 Peter Vogler 1 4 25.00
24 Rod Mogg 1 7 14.29
25 Graeme Turner 1 9 11.11
26 Colin Douglas 6 0.00
27 Trevor Briggs 4 0.00
27 Gavin Veenstra 4 0.00
29 Trevor Snow 3 0.00
29 Garry Page 3 0.00
29 Heath Bryant 3 0.00
32 Jeff Higgins 2 0.00
32 Brian Hammett 2 0.00
34 Charles Inder 1 0.00
34 Phil Wellington 1 0.00
34 Tony Clarke 1 0.00
34 scott albertson 1 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 Conrad Dewey 500 1010 510
2 Zeeshan Lohani 600 1077 477
3 DAN FILLIN 500 964 464
4 Nathan Corporal 600 1027 427
5 martin Koning 500 895 395
6 Felix t 600 840 240
7 Steph Pasco 898 965 67
8 jacob paint 892 934 42
9 Shane Edwards 893 932 39
10 David Gayle 1049 1084 35
11 Mitch Hooper 963 998 35
12 James Bealey 1094 1129 35
13 james skipwith 953 982 29
14 Peter Vogler 1079 1102 23
15 Levi Moxey 1001 1022 21
16 Adam Broit 968 981 13
17 James Anderson 1002 1012 10
18 scott albertson 956 966 10
19 Amir Muhammad 849 857 8
20 Geoff Dowton 988 996 8
21 Rod Mogg 807 813 6
22 Phil Johnstone 944 950 6
23 Mukhtar Basha 1071 1076 5
24 Paul Barclay 973 977 4
25 Tim Van Der Klauw 927 930 3
25 Trevor Briggs 907 910 3
27 Paul Green 978 981 3
28 Roger Lennard 983 985 2
29 Garry Page 915 916 1
30 Graham Wood 977 976 -1
31 Charles Inder 1051 1050 -1
32 Peter Clements 973 969 -4
33 Phil Wellington 1089 1085 -4
34 Saul Edmonds 985 979 -6
35 Graeme Turner 821 813 -8
36 Euver Naranjo 1100 1092 -8
37 Colin Douglas 852 843 -9
38 Tony Clarke 912 903 -9
39 Rob De Martini 948 936 -12
40 Colin Roome 976 961 -15
41 Heath Bryant 1017 1001 -16
42 Tony Treadgold 1132 1115 -17
43 Trevor Snow 937 920 -17
44 Harrison Vogler 960 931 -29
45 Brian Hammett 883 853 -30
46 Jeff Higgins 1078 1044 -34
47 Ellis Van Rooyen 995 959 -36
48 steven spence 1159 1121 -38
49 Gavin Veenstra 1004 931 -73
50 Howard Van Der Klauw 963 890 -73
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 Colin Douglas 7 7 100.00
2 Heath Bryant 5 5 100.00
3 scott albertson 4 4 100.00
4 Brian Hammett 3 3 100.00
5 Howard Van Der Klauw 2 2 100.00
5 Tony Clarke 2 2 100.00
7 Charles Inder 1 1 100.00
7 Phil Wellington 1 1 100.00
7 Felix t 1 1 100.00
7 martin Koning 1 1 100.00
11 Graeme Turner 8 9 88.89
12 Rod Mogg 6 7 85.71
13 Gavin Veenstra 5 7 71.43
13 Shane Edwards 5 7 71.43
13 Jeff Higgins 5 7 71.43
16 Ellis Van Rooyen 6 9 66.67
17 steven spence 2 3 66.67
17 Geoff Dowton 2 3 66.67
19 Trevor Snow 5 8 62.50
20 Adam Broit 6 10 60.00
21 Peter Vogler 4 7 57.14
22 Trevor Briggs 5 9 55.56
23 Saul Edmonds 7 13 53.85
24 jacob paint 5 10 50.00
25 Graham Wood 4 8 50.00
25 Rob De Martini 4 8 50.00
25 Paul Barclay 4 8 50.00
25 Roger Lennard 4 8 50.00
29 Amir Muhammad 3 6 50.00
30 Colin Roome 2 4 50.00
31 James Anderson 4 9 44.44
32 Peter Clements 3 7 42.86
33 Harrison Vogler 3 8 37.50
33 Garry Page 3 8 37.50
35 Phil Johnstone 2 6 33.33
36 Mitch Hooper 2 7 28.57
37 Tony Treadgold 2 9 22.22
38 Steph Pasco 2 11 18.18
39 Tim Van Der Klauw 1 9 11.11
39 james skipwith 1 9 11.11
41 David Gayle 1 10 10.00
42 Nathan Corporal 0 4 0.00
42 James Bealey 0 4 0.00
44 DAN FILLIN 0 1 0.00
44 Conrad Dewey 0 1 0.00
44 Zeeshan Lohani 0 1 0.00
44 Euver Naranjo 0 1 0.00
44 Paul Green 0 1 0.00
44 Levi Moxey 0 1 0.00
44 Mukhtar Basha 0 1 0.00