MONDAY CENTRAL: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 b 1 3 3 100.00
2 Darren Oatway 15 16 93.75
3 Alec Morris 11 13 84.62
4 Margaret Dyer 13 16 81.25
5 Laurie Doube 7 9 77.78
6 Sonia Holyhrim 5 7 71.43
7 Euver Naranjo 11 16 68.75
8 Sam Ielasi 12 18 66.67
9 Mark Trus 2 3 66.67
10 Alan Bennet 2 4 50.00
11 John Radcliffe 7 15 46.67
12 Paul Blairs 7 17 41.18
13 Penny Thornton 3 8 37.50
14 John Kaldi 5 14 35.71
15 John Prichard 4 14 28.57
16 Rob S 4 18 22.22
17 Don Wilson 2 12 16.67
18 Bill Haltis 1 19 5.26
19 b 2 0 3 0.00
19 Nick Prescott 0 3 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 Darren Oatway 959
2 Alan Bennet 944
3 Euver Naranjo 901
4 John Radcliffe 892
5 John Prichard 869
6 Don Wilson 854
7 Mark Trus 834
8 Laurie Doube 828
9 Sonia Holyhrim 817
10 Sam Ielasi 816
11 Paul Blairs 788
11 Margaret Dyer 788
13 Rob S 785
14 John Kaldi 772
15 Alec Morris 765
16 Penny Thornton 762
17 Bill Haltis 703
18 Nick Prescott 687
19 b 1 536
20 b 2 521
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 Darren Oatway 93.75 15 1
2 Sonia Holyhrim 80.00 4 1
3 Alec Morris 84.62 11 2
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 b 1 1 1 100.00
2 Laurie Doube 2 4 50.00
3 John Radcliffe 2 5 40.00
4 Euver Naranjo 3 8 37.50
5 Alec Morris 1 3 33.33
6 John Prichard 3 12 25.00
7 Paul Blairs 2 8 25.00
8 Margaret Dyer 1 4 25.00
9 Rob S 4 17 23.53
10 John Kaldi 1 8 12.50
11 Don Wilson 1 11 9.09
12 Bill Haltis 1 19 5.26
13 Penny Thornton 5 0.00
14 Sam Ielasi 3 0.00
15 b 2 2 0.00
15 Nick Prescott 2 0.00
17 Sonia Holyhrim 1 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 John Prichard 818 869 51
2 b 1 494 536 42
3 Darren Oatway 928 959 31
4 Laurie Doube 803 828 25
5 Don Wilson 835 854 19
6 Margaret Dyer 771 788 17
7 Bill Haltis 687 703 16
8 Penny Thornton 748 762 14
9 b 2 510 521 11
10 Sonia Holyhrim 816 817 1
11 Mark Trus 838 834 -4
12 Sam Ielasi 821 816 -5
13 Nick Prescott 694 687 -7
14 Euver Naranjo 912 901 -11
15 Alan Bennet 958 944 -14
16 Rob S 804 785 -19
17 John Kaldi 794 772 -22
18 Alec Morris 790 765 -25
19 John Radcliffe 921 892 -29
20 Paul Blairs 822 788 -34
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 b 2 3 3 100.00
1 Nick Prescott 3 3 100.00
3 Bill Haltis 18 19 94.74
4 Don Wilson 10 12 83.33
5 Rob S 14 18 77.78
6 John Prichard 10 14 71.43
7 John Kaldi 9 14 64.29
8 Penny Thornton 5 8 62.50
9 Paul Blairs 10 17 58.82
10 John Radcliffe 8 15 53.33
11 Alan Bennet 2 4 50.00
12 Sam Ielasi 6 18 33.33
13 Mark Trus 1 3 33.33
14 Euver Naranjo 5 16 31.25
15 Sonia Holyhrim 2 7 28.57
16 Laurie Doube 2 9 22.22
17 Margaret Dyer 3 16 18.75
18 Alec Morris 2 13 15.38
19 Darren Oatway 1 16 6.25
20 b 1 0 3 0.00