Open Div 3: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Andrew Torbet 6 6 100.00
2 Jonathan Nimmo 5 5 100.00
3 Simon Lamb 4 4 100.00
3 Gary Speirs 4 4 100.00
5 John Usher 3 3 100.00
5 Gregory Leplatre 3 3 100.00
7 Andrew Black 2 2 100.00
7 Ellis Bayne 2 2 100.00
7 Michael Ingleson 2 2 100.00
10 Scott Tulloch 1 1 100.00
10 Juanfran Torres 1 1 100.00
10 Andrew Boyd 1 1 100.00
10 Mick Hay 1 1 100.00
10 Henrique Aguiar 1 1 100.00
10 Jacob Pfau 1 1 100.00
10 Sten Mandal 1 1 100.00
10 Florent Chevreuil 1 1 100.00
10 Zac Atkinson 1 1 100.00
10 Jonathan Collett 1 1 100.00
20 Dylan Pearman 6 7 85.71
21 Iain Clark 5 6 83.33
22 Lewy Parkinson 3 4 75.00
22 Kim Byers 3 4 75.00
24 Octavian MacEwen 5 7 71.43
25 Stephen Wallace 4 6 66.67
26 Tony Hadden 3 5 60.00
26 Adam Clayton 3 5 60.00
28 Sam Shannon 3 6 50.00
28 Remi Lecomte 3 6 50.00
30 Jordan Amaral 2 4 50.00
30 Ross Jamieson 2 4 50.00
30 Andy Shanks 2 4 50.00
33 Jonathan MacBride 1 2 50.00
33 Billy Scott 1 2 50.00
33 Michael Clarkson 1 2 50.00
36 David Legge 3 7 42.86
37 Eric Latorre-Crespo 2 5 40.00
37 Craig Morrison 2 5 40.00
39 Paul Macari 2 6 33.33
40 Scott Beard 1 3 33.33
40 Harry Simpson 1 3 33.33
42 Adam Ralston 1 4 25.00
42 Jamie Pearman 1 4 25.00
44 Robbie Harper 1 5 20.00
45 Richard Maspero 0 6 0.00
46 Michael Brown 0 4 0.00
46 Akash Chopra 0 4 0.00
46 Matthew Hunter 0 4 0.00
49 Alex Ukrasin 0 3 0.00
50 Bill Hodgkinson 0 2 0.00
50 Craig Wallace 0 2 0.00
50 Ross Anderson 0 2 0.00
50 Chris Dixon 0 2 0.00
50 Chris Anderson 0 2 0.00
50 Mathew Chevely 0 2 0.00
50 James Birkhead 0 2 0.00
57 Josh Pritchard 0 1 0.00
57 Daniel Ridley 0 1 0.00
57 Andy Stafford 0 1 0.00
57 John Smith 0 1 0.00
57 Gabor Nagy 0 1 0.00
57 Mark Parsons 0 1 0.00
57 Rory Gammell 0 1 0.00
57 Scott Thomson 0 1 0.00
57 Matthew Boyce 0 1 0.00
57 Neil Porter 0 1 0.00
57 Lee Calder 0 1 0.00
57 Heather Spens 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 Scott Tulloch 1675
2 Michael Brown 1533
3 Scott Thomson 1529
4 Jonathan Nimmo 1447
5 Jonathan MacBride 1445
6 Billy Scott 1441
7 Adam Clayton 1430
8 Henrique Aguiar 1402
9 Simon Lamb 1396
10 Gary Speirs 1384
11 Juanfran Torres 1358
12 Michael Ingleson 1340
13 Stephen Wallace 1332
14 Eric Latorre-Crespo 1331
15 Dylan Pearman 1324
16 Remi Lecomte 1319
17 Craig Morrison 1309
18 Andy Shanks 1305
19 Paul Macari 1304
20 Iain Clark 1298
21 Scott Beard 1289
21 David Legge 1289
23 Mick Hay 1286
24 Gregory Leplatre 1283
25 Kim Byers 1278
26 Chris Dixon 1266
27 Andrew Black 1264
28 Lewy Parkinson 1258
29 Ellis Bayne 1253
30 Jordan Amaral 1252
31 John Usher 1244
32 Sten Mandal 1240
33 Robbie Harper 1235
34 Andrew Torbet 1226
35 Sam Shannon 1225
36 Richard Maspero 1221
37 Adam Ralston 1220
38 Matthew Hunter 1216
39 Octavian MacEwen 1211
40 James Birkhead 1206
41 Jacob Pfau 1203
42 John Smith 1192
43 Akash Chopra 1189
44 Daniel Ridley 1188
45 Michael Clarkson 1183
46 Matthew Boyce 1179
47 Tony Hadden 1176
48 Lee Calder 1167
49 Florent Chevreuil 1165
50 Neil Porter 1149
51 Andrew Boyd 1140
52 Mark Parsons 1132
53 Craig Wallace 1074
54 Bill Hodgkinson 1051
55 Heather Spens 1048
56 Harry Simpson 1017
57 Rory Gammell 1002
58 Andy Stafford 992
59 Jamie Pearman 952
60 Ross Anderson 886
61 Gabor Nagy 851
62 Ross Jamieson 597
63 Mathew Chevely 557
64 Jonathan Collett 526
65 Zac Atkinson 520
66 Alex Ukrasin 516
67 Chris Anderson 512
68 Josh Pritchard 502
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 Andrew Torbet 100.00 5 0
2 Eric Latorre-Crespo 40.00 2 3
3 David Legge 75.00 3 1
4 Tony Hadden 0.00 3 0
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Andrew Torbet 5 5 100.00
2 Dylan Pearman 2 2 100.00
2 Stephen Wallace 2 2 100.00
4 Andrew Boyd 1 1 100.00
4 Jonathan Nimmo 1 1 100.00
4 Andrew Black 1 1 100.00
7 Octavian MacEwen 5 7 71.43
8 Lewy Parkinson 2 3 66.67
9 Ross Jamieson 1 2 50.00
9 Kim Byers 1 2 50.00
9 Eric Latorre-Crespo 1 2 50.00
12 Sam Shannon 1 3 33.33
12 Craig Morrison 1 3 33.33
12 Jordan Amaral 1 3 33.33
12 Adam Ralston 1 3 33.33
16 Jamie Pearman 1 4 25.00
17 Robbie Harper 1 5 20.00
18 Akash Chopra 3 0.00
18 Richard Maspero 3 0.00
20 Bill Hodgkinson 2 0.00
20 Craig Wallace 2 0.00
20 Ross Anderson 2 0.00
20 Remi Lecomte 2 0.00
20 Paul Macari 2 0.00
20 Scott Beard 2 0.00
20 Tony Hadden 2 0.00
20 David Legge 2 0.00
20 Harry Simpson 2 0.00
20 Matthew Hunter 2 0.00
20 James Birkhead 2 0.00
31 Josh Pritchard 1 0.00
31 Chris Dixon 1 0.00
31 Iain Clark 1 0.00
31 Daniel Ridley 1 0.00
31 Andy Stafford 1 0.00
31 John Smith 1 0.00
31 Alex Ukrasin 1 0.00
31 Gabor Nagy 1 0.00
31 Mark Parsons 1 0.00
31 Rory Gammell 1 0.00
31 Matthew Boyce 1 0.00
31 Neil Porter 1 0.00
31 Lee Calder 1 0.00
31 Heather Spens 1 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 Sten Mandal 600 1240 640
2 Jacob Pfau 600 1203 603
3 Daniel Ridley 600 1188 588
4 Andrew Torbet 1069 1226 157
5 Jamie Pearman 812 952 140
6 Zac Atkinson 382 520 138
7 Octavian MacEwen 1104 1211 107
8 Jonathan MacBride 1350 1445 95
9 Lewy Parkinson 1205 1258 53
10 Chris Dixon 1224 1266 42
11 Ross Jamieson 558 597 39
12 Jordan Amaral 1216 1252 36
13 Andrew Boyd 1105 1140 35
14 Dylan Pearman 1293 1324 31
15 John Smith 1162 1192 30
16 Michael Clarkson 1158 1183 25
17 Mick Hay 1262 1286 24
18 Stephen Wallace 1314 1332 18
19 Craig Morrison 1292 1309 17
20 Akash Chopra 1176 1189 13
21 Eric Latorre-Crespo 1319 1331 12
22 Andrew Black 1252 1264 12
23 Lee Calder 1158 1167 9
24 James Birkhead 1198 1206 8
25 Tony Hadden 1171 1176 5
25 Jonathan Nimmo 1442 1447 5
27 Harry Simpson 1012 1017 5
28 Jonathan Collett 521 526 5
29 Bill Hodgkinson 1049 1051 2
29 Michael Ingleson 1338 1340 2
31 Josh Pritchard 500 502 2
31 Mark Parsons 1130 1132 2
31 Rory Gammell 1000 1002 2
34 John Usher 1243 1244 1
35 Ellis Bayne 1252 1253 1
36 Juanfran Torres 1357 1358 1
36 Henrique Aguiar 1401 1402 1
38 Simon Lamb 1396 1396 0
38 Gary Speirs 1384 1384 0
40 Gregory Leplatre 1283 1283 0
41 Ross Anderson 886 886 0
42 Gabor Nagy 851 851 0
42 Matthew Boyce 1179 1179 0
44 Robbie Harper 1236 1235 -1
45 Adam Ralston 1221 1220 -1
46 Scott Beard 1291 1289 -2
47 Chris Anderson 515 512 -3
48 Scott Tulloch 1678 1675 -3
49 Kim Byers 1283 1278 -5
50 Billy Scott 1446 1441 -5
51 Paul Macari 1312 1304 -8
52 Remi Lecomte 1328 1319 -9
53 Adam Clayton 1440 1430 -10
54 Andy Stafford 1002 992 -10
54 Scott Thomson 1539 1529 -10
56 Iain Clark 1311 1298 -13
57 Andy Shanks 1319 1305 -14
58 Florent Chevreuil 1182 1165 -17
59 David Legge 1307 1289 -18
60 Craig Wallace 1092 1074 -18
61 Matthew Hunter 1235 1216 -19
62 Neil Porter 1170 1149 -21
63 Heather Spens 1070 1048 -22
64 Richard Maspero 1244 1221 -23
65 Michael Brown 1573 1533 -40
66 Sam Shannon 1268 1225 -43
67 Mathew Chevely 748 557 -191
68 Alex Ukrasin 741 516 -225
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 Richard Maspero 6 6 100.00
2 Michael Brown 4 4 100.00
2 Akash Chopra 4 4 100.00
2 Matthew Hunter 4 4 100.00
5 Alex Ukrasin 3 3 100.00
6 Bill Hodgkinson 2 2 100.00
6 Craig Wallace 2 2 100.00
6 Ross Anderson 2 2 100.00
6 Chris Dixon 2 2 100.00
6 Chris Anderson 2 2 100.00
6 Mathew Chevely 2 2 100.00
6 James Birkhead 2 2 100.00
13 Josh Pritchard 1 1 100.00
13 Daniel Ridley 1 1 100.00
13 Andy Stafford 1 1 100.00
13 John Smith 1 1 100.00
13 Gabor Nagy 1 1 100.00
13 Mark Parsons 1 1 100.00
13 Rory Gammell 1 1 100.00
13 Scott Thomson 1 1 100.00
13 Matthew Boyce 1 1 100.00
13 Neil Porter 1 1 100.00
13 Lee Calder 1 1 100.00
13 Heather Spens 1 1 100.00
25 Robbie Harper 4 5 80.00
26 Adam Ralston 3 4 75.00
26 Jamie Pearman 3 4 75.00
28 Paul Macari 4 6 66.67
29 Scott Beard 2 3 66.67
29 Harry Simpson 2 3 66.67
31 Eric Latorre-Crespo 3 5 60.00
31 Craig Morrison 3 5 60.00
33 David Legge 4 7 57.14
34 Sam Shannon 3 6 50.00
34 Remi Lecomte 3 6 50.00
36 Jordan Amaral 2 4 50.00
36 Ross Jamieson 2 4 50.00
36 Andy Shanks 2 4 50.00
39 Jonathan MacBride 1 2 50.00
39 Billy Scott 1 2 50.00
39 Michael Clarkson 1 2 50.00
42 Tony Hadden 2 5 40.00
42 Adam Clayton 2 5 40.00
44 Stephen Wallace 2 6 33.33
45 Octavian MacEwen 2 7 28.57
46 Lewy Parkinson 1 4 25.00
46 Kim Byers 1 4 25.00
48 Iain Clark 1 6 16.67
49 Dylan Pearman 1 7 14.29
50 Andrew Torbet 0 6 0.00
51 Jonathan Nimmo 0 5 0.00
52 Simon Lamb 0 4 0.00
52 Gary Speirs 0 4 0.00
54 John Usher 0 3 0.00
54 Gregory Leplatre 0 3 0.00
56 Andrew Black 0 2 0.00
56 Ellis Bayne 0 2 0.00
56 Michael Ingleson 0 2 0.00
59 Scott Tulloch 0 1 0.00
59 Juanfran Torres 0 1 0.00
59 Andrew Boyd 0 1 0.00
59 Mick Hay 0 1 0.00
59 Henrique Aguiar 0 1 0.00
59 Jacob Pfau 0 1 0.00
59 Sten Mandal 0 1 0.00
59 Florent Chevreuil 0 1 0.00
59 Zac Atkinson 0 1 0.00
59 Jonathan Collett 0 1 0.00