Division 2: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Jerome Tan 9 9 100.00
2 Indigo Stapledon 8 9 88.89
3 Sharuna Ray 7 8 87.50
4 Ivanka Lu 5 7 71.43
5 Cooper Martin 7 10 70.00
6 Renee Tan 6 9 66.67
7 Jessica Jellis 5 8 62.50
8 Josh Reeves 3 5 60.00
8 Lucas Curry 3 5 60.00
8 Abhin Behl 3 5 60.00
11 Conall Fletcher 5 10 50.00
12 Arye BernSousa 3 6 50.00
12 Ruby Foo 3 6 50.00
14 Olivia Hibbs 2 4 50.00
15 Laney Rawling 3 7 42.86
16 Wade Homewood 2 5 40.00
17 Hayden Knox 3 8 37.50
17 Carmela Christou 3 8 37.50
19 Antonin Cerny 4 12 33.33
20 Nicholas Whittaker 2 6 33.33
21 Joey Scott 1 3 33.33
22 Ethan Skidmore 2 9 22.22
22 Nathan Congrene 2 9 22.22
22 Noah Tan 2 9 22.22
25 Jasper Tapley 1 5 20.00
26 Amalie Jacobs 1 7 14.29
27 Jasmin Legge 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 Joey Scott 667
2 Jasmin Legge 635
3 Jerome Tan 595
4 Jessica Jellis 572
5 Laney Rawling 567
6 Conall Fletcher 540
7 Josh Reeves 531
8 Lucas Curry 508
9 Nicholas Whittaker 489
10 Indigo Stapledon 475
11 Olivia Hibbs 469
12 Renee Tan 460
13 Wade Homewood 459
14 Hayden Knox 458
15 Ruby Foo 442
16 Ivanka Lu 434
17 Arye BernSousa 418
18 Sharuna Ray 411
19 Cooper Martin 409
20 Noah Tan 407
21 Nathan Congrene 405
22 Amalie Jacobs 397
23 Carmela Christou 389
23 Abhin Behl 389
25 Antonin Cerny 349
26 Jasper Tapley 322
27 Ethan Skidmore 321
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 Jerome Tan 100.00 9 0
2 Indigo Stapledon 88.89 8 1
3 Sharuna Ray 87.50 7 1
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Indigo Stapledon 3 3 100.00
2 Cooper Martin 1 1 100.00
3 Conall Fletcher 2 4 50.00
3 Jessica Jellis 2 4 50.00
3 Lucas Curry 2 4 50.00
6 Josh Reeves 1 2 50.00
6 Abhin Behl 1 2 50.00
8 Nicholas Whittaker 2 6 33.33
9 Carmela Christou 1 3 33.33
9 Laney Rawling 1 3 33.33
11 Hayden Knox 2 7 28.57
12 Nathan Congrene 1 5 20.00
13 Amalie Jacobs 1 6 16.67
14 Ethan Skidmore 1 7 14.29
15 Noah Tan 1 8 12.50
16 Antonin Cerny 4 0.00
17 Wade Homewood 2 0.00
17 Arye BernSousa 2 0.00
17 Ruby Foo 2 0.00
20 Joey Scott 1 0.00
20 Olivia Hibbs 1 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 Joey Scott 571 667 96
2 Jessica Jellis 522 572 50
3 Laney Rawling 517 567 50
4 Nicholas Whittaker 447 489 42
5 Hayden Knox 431 458 27
6 Lucas Curry 482 508 26
7 Olivia Hibbs 445 469 24
8 Conall Fletcher 517 540 23
9 Jerome Tan 575 595 20
10 Indigo Stapledon 456 475 19
11 Carmela Christou 373 389 16
12 Jasmin Legge 622 635 13
13 Cooper Martin 400 409 9
14 Noah Tan 403 407 4
15 Abhin Behl 387 389 2
16 Josh Reeves 532 531 -1
17 Ethan Skidmore 323 321 -2
18 Arye BernSousa 421 418 -3
19 Amalie Jacobs 401 397 -4
20 Renee Tan 467 460 -7
21 Wade Homewood 470 459 -11
22 Ruby Foo 455 442 -13
23 Nathan Congrene 422 405 -17
24 Sharuna Ray 428 411 -17
25 Ivanka Lu 500 434 -66
26 Jasper Tapley 400 322 -78
27 Antonin Cerny 500 349 -151
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 Jasmin Legge 1 1 100.00
2 Amalie Jacobs 6 7 85.71
3 Jasper Tapley 4 5 80.00
4 Ethan Skidmore 7 9 77.78
4 Nathan Congrene 7 9 77.78
4 Noah Tan 7 9 77.78
7 Antonin Cerny 8 12 66.67
8 Nicholas Whittaker 4 6 66.67
9 Joey Scott 2 3 66.67
10 Hayden Knox 5 8 62.50
10 Carmela Christou 5 8 62.50
12 Wade Homewood 3 5 60.00
13 Laney Rawling 4 7 57.14
14 Conall Fletcher 5 10 50.00
15 Arye BernSousa 3 6 50.00
15 Ruby Foo 3 6 50.00
17 Olivia Hibbs 2 4 50.00
18 Josh Reeves 2 5 40.00
18 Lucas Curry 2 5 40.00
18 Abhin Behl 2 5 40.00
21 Jessica Jellis 3 8 37.50
22 Renee Tan 3 9 33.33
23 Cooper Martin 3 10 30.00
24 Ivanka Lu 2 7 28.57
25 Sharuna Ray 1 8 12.50
26 Indigo Stapledon 1 9 11.11
27 Jerome Tan 0 9 0.00