Denis O'Leary
Denis O'Leary

Cork, Ireland


SportyHQ Rating


Rating Confidence


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Matches All Time

Denis's Rankings
Name Owner Rating System Position People Points
All Rankings Munster Squash 250 335 456 Provisional
All Men Munster Squash 208 264 456 Provisional
O50 Men Munster Squash 30 35 456 Provisional
GLENVILLE SQUASH PLAYER RANKING Glenville 15 41 456 Provisional
Ladder Glenville 15 41 456 Provisional
Sportyhq GSC Ranking List Glenville 15 41 456 Provisional
Kilworth Kilworth Squash Club 9 16 456 Provisional
Club Rankings Kilworth Squash Club 9 16 456 Provisional

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