2017053 Noord Kaap Mini 1
25th Jun, 2017 - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/mmkk7hy1w73ilmn/AADBnKROgR6gFlCAMo_QzvPxa?dl=0 Gaan na https://www.dropbox.com/login. Registreer net dit vat 2 min. Click net op die link daarbo. Gaan kies jou foto en stuur jou bestelling na [email protected]. Ons pos dit vir jou met n trac nr. Lekker dag. Fotos sal om 21:00 op 25 Junie 2017 beskikbaar wees om te besigtig op dropbox. Al die fotos van die toernooi gaan opwees.
23rd Jun, 2017 - Daar is 'n Wilson demo bekikbaar by Lapesa tennis klub. Enige rakette en skoene en sakke kan besigtig word en rakette mee gespeel word. Kontak asb vir Wilmie by 0826895955 indien u belang stel.
20th Jun, 2017 - The doubles sign-in will close at 14:00 on Friday 23 Jun 2017. Please note that you have to sign in at the venue even if you have signed in online. If you are not playing singles on the day you will have to sign in before 14:00 as well if you want to play doubles. Please sign in for doubles as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. Doubles will be played on Friday, after the…
23rd Jun, 2017 - Aksie foto's is beskikbaar by Tuine tennis klub vanaf 11:00 vir Vrydag se wedstryde. Maak gerus 'n draai as u belang stel.
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Club Facilities
Level of Competition

Although the courts are limited, I suggest that these really poor ones should rather not be counted in.
The blue court at Park is really slippery- one of the U10 boys twisted his ankle and other fell on his knee. Also not ideal for tournaments.
The rest was great- thank you!
Club Facilities
Level of Competition

Value for Money
Club Facilities
Level of Competition
Value for Money
Club Facilities
Level of Competition
Club Facilities
Level of Competition

Kimberley, Northern Cape, Northern Cape 8300
South Africa
Memorial Road Area
Kimberley, Northern Cape, Northern Cape 8301
South Africa
Hadison Park
Kimberley, Northern Cape, Northern Cape 8301
South Africa
New Park
Kimberley, Northern Cape, Northern Cape 8300
South Africa
New Park
Kimberley, Northern Cape, Northern Cape 8301
South Africa
Kimberley, Northern Cape, Northern Cape 8301
South Africa
Kimberley, Northern Cape, Northern Cape 8301
South Africa