202018 Eden ProKennex Mini 3
23rd Sep, 2020 - The under 10 Boys need to report at George Tennis club on Friday at 14:30. The boys will then move to George South on Saturday. Timings and schedules will be posted by Thursday.
23rd Sep, 2020 - Complete Indemnity form BEFORE 25/09/20 at 12:00 Link to Indemnity form : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1PzzcEkr_EQ1Sc-5l-TII1rTOM0IVQGmgyzMrIpWHbHs/edit?gxids=7628 Complete Screening form daily before you arrive at the venue you play Link to Screening form:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/11VC55DA1gibnfTN7_lir8uJdq0GlEPP7dD4m6Qlcb30/edit?gxids=7628
21st Sep, 2020 - Boys 14/16 draws will be add together and girls 14/16 draws will be add together. Play will start soonest 14h00 at all venues on 25 Sept. More info to follow soon.

Baie dankie!!

George, Western Province, City of Cape Town - Bellville, Western Cape 6530
South Africa
George, Eden, Eden - George, Western Cape 6529
South Africa
South Africa
George, Eden, Eden - George, Western Cape 6529
South Africa
Bos en Dal
George, Eden, Eden - George, Western Cape 6529
South Africa
George, Eden, Eden - George, Western Cape 6530
South Africa