2021023 Winelands Sportsmans Warehouse Cavaliers Mini 1
7th Mar, 2021 - update at 8h25: Matches at Strand TC are delayed for 2hrs. 8am matches will start at 10am weather permitting. At SW Country Club the delay is until 9h30.
7th Mar, 2021 - update at 7h35: Matches at Somerset College also delayed by 1hr, so 8am matches to start at 9 weather permitting. Next update at 8h15
7th Mar, 2021 - update at 7h20: Matches at Strand TC and Somerset West Country Club will be delayed by 1 hr for now, so 8am matches to start at 9am. Paul Roos is dry, pls report on time for your matches there.
6th Mar, 2021 - Players please make sure of your scheduled times and VENUES for Sunday 7 March (G14, G12 and B12 your venues are changing). Make sure to complete your Covid screening form again online.
5th Mar, 2021 - Players note some important arrangements for playing in this event: All players should report at their venues no more than 15mins before the match time, with a mask on and your own sanitizer in your bag, with full adherence to Covid distancing protocols. Players will have their temperatures taken at an entrance checkpoint and, unless you've already completed these forms online, you must present the following forms to the official in charge of the venue: a)…


The organisers was unwilling to accommodate the players at different venues in Stellenbosch where it was sunny and dry.
We as parents and children really expected more.
Club Facilities
Level of Competition
Strand, Western Province, City of Cape Town - Strand, Western Cape 7140
South Africa
stellenbosch, Winelands, Cape Winelands - Stellenbosch, Western Cape 7600
South Africa
Somerset West, Winelands, Cape Winelands - Stellenbosch, Western Cape 7130
South Africa
Somerset West, Western Province, City of Cape Town - Somerset West, Western Cape 7130
South Africa
STELLENBOSCH, Winelands, Cape Winelands - Stellenbosch, Western Cape 7600
South Africa