Squash Yukon League
League Rules
Squash Yukon’s
Squash League Rules and Information
- The cost of the League is $175.00 and will be played at the Better Bodies Cross Training Centre. Please pay Gyanendra before November 15/2024. We can be reached [email protected].
- All matches will be played on Tuesday or the Thursday evenings (Unless schedule indicates differently.) There will be no rescheduling of matches. Matches are best of 5, games go to 11 points.
- Matches will begin at 6:15p.m. This will be the only time posted. It will be your responsibility to be ready to play when the court becomes available.
- There will be a default rule for the matches every evening. This means that you MUST be ready to step on court at the start time, so come early to do any warm-up or stretching off court prior to your match. If you are 5 min. late, you will be able to play but you will be down one game. If you are 10 min. late you will be down 2 games. And if you arrive 15 min. you forfeit the match. The matches will begin at 6:15pm, then 6:45pm, then 7:15pm then 7:45pm, then 8:15pm, then 8:45pm. It is strongly discouraged to leave without playing and refereeing one match.
- It should be noted that many players are quite capable of sparing at positions higher than the one indicated, but never lower. Team members may also play up when a spare is unavailable for a position. If you get a spare that is not on the list, they must be willing to go on the spares list so that others may call them.
- Challenging up. If you are close in playing ability to the person above you on your team you can certainly challenge up. The challenge should be best of 3 matches. If the challenge goes to 3 and it is a close final match one can determine that you are of similar playing ability. We suggest that one person play as a #1 for one round, then as a #2 for Round 2. Depending on your results you can then decide you will play the #1 or #2 positions for Round 3. (This applies to all members of your team) One cannot change in the middle of a round. The designated player must complete the round then may change. And do inform Gyanendra/Marie so that we can indicate on the scoring sheet.
- Scoring will be as follows: 1 point for each game won, 1 point for the winner of the match & 1 point for the wearing of your sponsored T-shirt. Only the original member (no subs) of the team may get a point for the T-shirt.
- Players are responsible for getting their own spare. A spares list will be provided for this purpose. It is important to get a spare that is of similar playing ability. So please let us know who will be sparing for you as soon as possible. If all else fails, contact Gyanendra. Players may not spare for their team, i.e. play twice in one night. Let your spares know about the "Arriving Late" rule.
- Absences due to injury or other. If you are away from League for whatever reason for more than 3 consecutive nights, we reserve the right to replace you. Please let us know if you are going away for any length of time or suffer an injury.
- Changes and additions to these rules may occur if a need for them becomes apparent.
- Have fun and may the best team win!