Jayden Cross
Jayden Cross

Sandton, Gauteng, South Africa


SportyHQ Rating


Rating Confidence


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Matches All Time

Jayden's Rankings
Name Owner Rating System Position People Points
MS Tennis South Africa Custom 1103 1979 29,420
MD Tennis South Africa Custom 1129 1465 16,650
BS 12 Tennis South Africa Custom 100 324 29,420
BD 12 Tennis South Africa Custom 137 224 16,650
MS Junior Tennis South Africa Custom 756 1503 29,420
Mens Combined Tennis South Africa Custom 1118 2036 33,583
BS 13 Tennis South Africa Custom 221 651 29,420
BS 15 Tennis South Africa Custom 468 1085 29,420
Boys U12 Combined Tennis South Africa Custom 102 325 33,583

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