Emily  Ballentyne
Emily Ballentyne

Glasgow, Blackpool, United Kingdom


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Emily 's Rankings
Name Owner Rating System Position People Points
Girls Under 13 West of Scotland 2 3 1,132 Provisional
Girls Under 15 West of Scotland 2 5 1,132 Provisional
Girls Under 17 West of Scotland 3 6 1,132 Provisional
Girls Under 19 West of Scotland 5 11 1,132 Provisional
Mixed Under 13 West of Scotland 2 12 1,132 Provisional
Mixed Under 15 West of Scotland 2 19 1,132 Provisional
Mixed Under 19 West of Scotland 12 25 1,132 Provisional
Mixed Under 17 West of Scotland 8 29 1,132 Provisional
Mixed West of Scotland 43 85 1,132 Provisional
Women's Newlands Lawn Tennis and Squash Club (Scotland) 60 160 1,132 Provisional
Junior Girls Newlands Lawn Tennis and Squash Club (Scotland) 3 4 1,132 Provisional
Newlands Squash (All) Newlands Lawn Tennis and Squash Club (Scotland) 27 58 1,132 Provisional

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