Henlou du Toit
Henlou du Toit

Windhoek, Khomas Region, Namibia


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Henlou's Rankings
Name Owner Rating System Position People Points
MS Tennis South Africa Custom 870 1955 45,815
MD Tennis South Africa Custom 842 1453 37,400
BS 18 Tennis South Africa Custom 214 328 45,815
BD 18 Tennis South Africa Custom 196 250 37,400
MS Junior Tennis South Africa Custom 587 1480 45,815
Mens Combined Tennis South Africa Custom 862 2011 55,165
BS 17 Tennis South Africa Custom 581 1400 45,815
BS 19 Tennis South Africa Custom 663 1382 45,815
Boys U18 Combined Tennis South Africa Custom 209 333 55,165
U16 Boys Namibia Tennis Association Custom 2 16 2,441
U16 Boys Doubles Namibia Tennis Association Custom 1 9 1,858
Men Singles Namibia Tennis Association Custom 10 40 1,174
Men Doubles Namibia Tennis Association Custom 17 48 662
Men Combined Namibia Tennis Association Custom 9 51 1,340
U16 Boys Combined Namibia Tennis Association Custom 2 16 2,906
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Henlou's fans

Daniël du Toit

Windhoek, Khomas Region, Namibia

Estian Terblanché

Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
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