Annabelle Leith
Annabelle Leith

Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa


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Annabelle's Rankings
Name Owner Rating System Position People Points
WS Tennis South Africa Custom 179 1239 241,200
WD Tennis South Africa Custom 126 884 275,750
GS 16 Tennis South Africa Custom 52 335 241,200
GD 16 Tennis South Africa Custom 36 227 275,750
WS Junior Tennis South Africa Custom 108 1041 241,200
Womens Combined Tennis South Africa Custom 156 1267 310,138
Girls U16 Combined Tennis South Africa Custom 43 340 310,138
GS 15 Tennis South Africa Custom 43 842 241,200
GS 19 Tennis South Africa Custom 160 950 241,200
GS 17 Tennis South Africa Custom 105 819 241,200
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Courtney Kemp

Cape town, Western Cape, South Africa
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